
In heavy sports, anabolic steroids are often used, they are a necessity. Thanks to these drugs, muscle mass gain is accelerated, pronounced and relief muscles are formed, which cover the entire body. Unlike strength training and loads, they work much faster, results can be obtained already in the first month of using these drugs. Bodybuilders often use steroid drugs to increase strength performance, increase the energy that is required to perform heavy loads, as well as in order to win in competitions, fights. To the most effective are medicines with stanozolol. When taking them in the athlete’s body, there is an increase in the male hormone – testosterone.
It is the male hormone that has a positive effect on endurance, strength indicators. Preparations with tamoxifen prevent the transition of testosterone into estrogens. During their use, libido increases, the reproductive system improves, and this also has a positive effect on endurance, strength performance. You can buy stanozolol in the United Kingdom in our online shop. It has a large range of original and proven preparations that are used in the sports field. Before buying it is worth studying the properties and features of the active substance stanozolol.

Active substance stanozolol

Stanozolol is an anabolic steroid that has a strong androgenic-anabolic effect. When using preparations in tablet form, the active substance passes through the liver, it is not destroyed, and shows a high rate of bioavailability. Stanozolol can act strongly on the liver, it is quite toxic. But with proper use, all unpleasant effects do not appear, the main thing is not to exceed the recommended dosages.
In tablets and injections, the active component stanozolol shows up to 320% of anabolic and 30% of androgenic action from testosterone. The potency of the effect and effectiveness lasts for 8 hours. This steroid is one of the most effective for the growth of muscle mass, increasing strength indicators. The popularity among athletes is due to the fact that stanozolol has zero estrogenic activity, it has no conversion under the influence of aromatase. Due to this, when using preparations containing this substance, all excess fluid is eliminated from the body and the development of gynaecomastia is prevented.
ATX code: A14AA02
Structural formula:

Clinical-pharmacological group: androgen; anabolic steroid; androgen ester; progestogen.

Brands of substance stanozolol

Stanozolol is the active component of preparations that are used to accelerate the building of muscle mass, the formation of a relief, taut and beautiful body. On its basis, various products are produced, but they all have the same properties, similar use, indications, contraindications.

Among the popular manufacturers of preparations with stanozolol can be distinguished:

Magnus Pharmaceuticals

A well-known Indian pharmaceutical company that produces preparations of different kinds. From this manufacturer in pharmacies there are often found funds with stanozolol, which are often used in the field of bodybuilding and other sports. They have a positive effect on the appearance of the body, accelerate the build-up of muscle mass, make muscles pronounced and relieve stress. And they are also often used to increase strength and endurance performance
Teva Pharmaceuticals
A popular Israeli pharmaceutical company that produces a variety of medicines. Its range includes products that are used in various sports. Popularly used products containing trenbolone. They help to increase muscle mass in a short time, make muscles voluminous, and relieve stress. They are used by athletes to increase strength and stamina
Pharmacom Labs
A popular pharmaceutical company, which was founded in Moldova in 2006. It produces a variety of drugs that are often used in sports. Among the popular ones we can highlight the means with stanozolol. They help to gain large amounts of muscle mass in a short time, have a positive effect on body appearance, increase endurance and strength
Euro Prime Pharmaceuticals
A popular Moldovan pharmaceutical company, it is located in Chisinau. It produces various drugs that are often used in the field of sports, bodybuilding. The popular ones include steroidal preparations containing stanozolol. They are used for rapid gain of muscle mass. With their use, muscles become pronounced, relieved, and the body is taut. They also increase strength and endurance.
Malay Tiger
Malaysian pharmaceutical company, which has been producing steroid products for athletes for a long time. Its range of products includes stanozolol products. They are used to build muscle mass, form a relief and taut body. They also increase endurance and strength performance
Balkan Pharmaceuticals
A popular pharmaceutical company, which is located in Bulgaria. It produces various drugs that are often used among athletes. The popular ones include steroidal preparations containing stanozolol. They are used for rapid muscle mass gain. With their use, muscles increase in volume, they acquire relief. And also when taking them, endurance, strength increases

Reviews about stanozolol are positive. Many weightlifters, bodybuilders indicate that preparations with this active component really help to quickly gain muscle mass, improve the body, and tighten muscles. After a course of intake, the body becomes elastic, taut, muscles gain relief. But most importantly, taking means with stanozolol increases endurance, energy, increases strength, and all this helps to cope much easier with training and heavy loads.

Form of release, packaging and composition of preparations of the active substance stanozolol
Stanozolol in tablets is a common form of preparation. Tablets have a fairly simple use, and most importantly in the composition of one tablet has a minimum daily dose, so you do not need to calculate the required dosage. But it is still better to preliminarily study the peculiarities of the use of tablet forms, as they are indicated in the instructions.

In many pharmacies, buy stanozolol in a solution that is placed in ampoules. It is required to be injected into the muscle tissue, the exact method of application is specified in the instructions. The dosage is determined for each athlete individually, it depends on many factors.

Tablets have a white structure, they can have a yellowish or creamy yellowish colour. They are free of dark and extraneous inclusions. On one side there is usually a risk, and on the other side there may be labelling from the manufacturer. On the surface there is a shell with an enteric soluble structure.

Another form of release is a solution for injection. It has a transparent and uniform structure without turbidity, foreign substances. With prolonged storage, no precipitate, white plaque on the ampoule, foreign substances in the composition of the solution are not formed. The solution may have a slight yellowish tint, and its structure is oily, this is due to the fact that there is oil in the composition.

The packaging is cardboard, it may contain a blister with tablets or a container with ampoules. The name, dosage, description of the drug and other important information is indicated on the surface. The package also necessarily has an instruction manual with a description of the drug.

Tablets have the following substances in the composition:
The active ingredient is stanozolol;
Auxiliary substances – corn starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, povidone.
The composition of preparations in the form of a solution includes stanozolol. Among the auxiliary components can be distinguished as injectable water, oil base (olive oil).

Pharmacological action of stanozolol

Stanozolol belongs to anabolic steroids, it has a strong androgenic-anabolic action. When using preparations in tablet form, the active substance passes through the liver, it is not destroyed, and shows a high rate of bioavailability. Stanozolol has a strong toxic effect on the liver, this is due to the fact that there is an alkyl group of alpha-17 position in the base. But with proper use, all unpleasant effects do not occur, the main thing is not to exceed the recommended dosages.
Preparations with the active substance stanozolol are often used in bodybuilding, weightlifting and other sports. Popularity is due to the fact that the substance causes a rapid increase in muscle mass, makes the muscles voluminous, relief, and the body taut. In addition, the component several times increases strength, endurance, it greatly facilitates the performance of training, helps to cope with heavy loads.
In tablets and injections, the active component stanozolol shows up to 320% anabolic and 30% androgenic action from testosterone. The activity of the effect and effectiveness persists for 8 hours.
In men, stanozolol has a positive effect on the sexual sphere. When using preparations with this substance, there is an increase in the production of sperm, there is an increase in libido and libido. This is due to the fact that the active component contributes to the natural production of testosterone in the body, it prevents its transfer to estrogens. This leads to improved strength performance, increased endurance. Accelerates the building of muscle mass, the body becomes taut and relief.
When used orally, tamoxifen is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration in the blood is reached 4-7 hours after taking the drug. Binding to plasma proteins is 99%.

What positive effects does stanozolol have

Preparations with stanozolol are often used in bodybuilding to accelerate the gain of muscle mass. When used, the body quickly becomes taut and elastic, and the muscles are more voluminous and relief. Yes and strength performance increases several times, even many athletes and bodybuilders claim that on steroids containing stanozolol you can cope with high strength loads.
When does stanozolol start to take effect? This question worries many novice athletes who have not yet used anabolic steroids. On average, positive effects come as early as a week after the start of use.

Stanozolol injections and tablets have the following positive effects:
– Increase strength performance, help to cope with high loads, makes training easier;
– Increase endurance;
– Increase libido, sex drive;
– Normalise the work of the reproductive system;
– Accelerate the recruitment of muscle mass;
– Make muscles voluminous, relief;
– Improve general condition, improves mood;
– Improve the appearance of the body, it becomes elastic, taut, beautiful;
– Improve the condition of the joints, strengthen bone tissue;
– Remove excess fluid from the body;
– Prevent fat deposits;
– Help prepare for competitions, fights;
– Improve performance, increase the chances of winning in fights.

Stanozolol side effects

Before taking stanozolol it is worth studying the side effects. They are indicated in the instructions for use. If you follow all the recommendations, do not exceed the dosage, then health problems do not manifest themselves, and if they occur, they will have a weakly pronounced character, and after some time they will pass themselves without treatment.

What side effects can occur when using stanozolol preparations:
– Headaches, dizziness;
– Mood changes may occur frequently;
– Aggression;
– Decline of energy and depressive state;
– Painful sensations in joints and muscles;
– Deterioration of athletic performance;
– Blood pressure spikes;
– Tachycardia;
– Decreased stimulation of metabolic processes;
– Decrease in libido, deterioration of reproductive organs;
– Increase in blood cholesterol;
– Baldness, deterioration of hair quality;
– The appearance of rashes on the surface of the skin, they may be accompanied by itching, redness;
– Stagnation of fluid in the body;
– Swelling of tissues;
– Anaemia, thrombophlebitis;
– Disturbance of the liver, jaundice.

Course of taking stanozolol
Beforehand it is worth studying how to take stanozolol, the instructions are indicated in the annotation, which is available in the package of the drug. It describes the scheme of reception, dosage depending on the indications. But it is better to consult with a doctor, he will conduct an examination, select the best option for use and dosage
Often preparations with stanozolol are used to accelerate the gain of muscle mass, giving the muscles relief, tightness. The effect will be especially noticeable in athletes who have sufficient body mass and moderate fat content.
The optimal dose of stanozolol in injections is 50 mg per day, and in tablet form it is recommended to use 30 mg per day. Boxers, track and field athletes, as well as other athletes who are engaged in heavy sports, can take preparations with stanozolol in a dose of no more than 10-20 mg per day. The course may last from 5 to 8 weeks.
The use of stanozolol preparations allows you to quickly get good results. But it should be remembered that stanozolol is not recommended for women, and beginners should use it in reduced doses, gradually after some time the doses can be increased. It is not recommended to exceed the recommended doses, otherwise side effects may appear, and the larger the dose, the brighter the unpleasant conditions will be.

Indications and contraindications for the use of stanozolol
The main indications for the use of drugs containing stanozolol are indicated in the instructions.

Standard indications include:
– Acceleration of muscle mass gain;
– Improving the appearance of the body;
– Creation of voluminous and relief muscles.
– Burning fat deposits;
– Increase in strength, endurance;
– Increase libido, libido, sex drive;
– Formation of a taut and elastic body.

Before taking it, it is necessary to study the main contraindications of drugs with stanozolol:
– Allergic reactions to the main component;
– Period of pregnancy, breastfeeding;
– Liver disorders, chronic pathologies;
– Kidney problems, chronic disorders;
– Acute and chronic prostatitis;
– Breast cancer in men;
– Expressed atherosclerosis;
– Prostate cancer and adenoma;
– Ischaemic heart disease;
– Period of pregnancy and lactation;
– Childhood.

Storage conditions of preparations of the active substance stanozolol
In order for drugs with stanozolol to be able to preserve useful properties, therapeutic actions for a long time, they must be properly stored. Stanozolol tablets are recommended to put away in a dark place, u better keep them at room temperature. This form retains its basic qualities at a temperature of +17…+25 degrees. It is better to store in a package, in a blister. The average shelf life is 2 years after the date of release.
Preparations in the form of a solution are recommended to put away in a cool place, better on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the door compartment. Preparations retain their properties at a temperature of +3 to +7 degrees Celsius. They should be stored in ampoules and in the package. The average period of unopened and unused ampoules is at least two years from the date of release.

Stanozolol reviews about the active ingredient

Reviews about stanozolol are positive. On sports forums, various services can see a lot of comments from athletes who indicate that preparations with stanozolol can be used to obtain excellent results. When used, there is an enhanced increase in muscle mass, a beautiful and taut body is formed, which is covered with relief muscles. And also steroids increase strength and endurance performance
Reviews recommend using medications after consulting with specialists. And you should not forget about the recommendations of doctors, the correct scheme of intake and dose, otherwise you can face a lot of unpleasant effects. Experienced athletes advise using the drug to build muscle mass and during the period of preparation for competitions, fights. Up to 50 mg should be administered at a time, and this dose is recommended to be administered every other day. The average course is 6 weeks, which is enough to get excellent and visible results.
Reviews of stanozolol preparations can be viewed on our website. In them you can find a lot of useful information regarding the properties of drugs, effects, pharmacological action, and the scheme of proper use. Athletes believe that means with stanozolol are mandatory, especially when it is necessary to prepare for competitions, fights.

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